Invested in Critical Infrastructure
Leveraging proven experience to invest in real assets that deliver long-term outperformance.

Founded in 2017, Scout Capital Partners focuses on investments in real assets that comprise or are connected to important infrastructure. To date, the firm has primarily executed its investment strategy through food infrastructure under the Scout Cold Logistics platform. Scout's focus on connecting our investments to critical infrastructure (food/cold supply chains, transportation, airports and seaports) delivers sustainable barriers to entry and superior risk-adjusted returns.
Scout Capital Partners founder, Vincent Signorello, has more than 20 years of commercial real estate, infrastructure and transportation investment experience. Prior to founding Scout Capital Partners, Vincent served as the President and CEO of Florida East Coast Industries, a $3.0B+ Fortress Investment Group private equity portfolio company. As FECI’s CEO, Vincent led the design and implementation of FECI’s strategic plan from 2009-2017, including the realignment of FECI’s assets into business platforms in real estate, transportation and infrastructure. Prior to his role at FECI, Vincent worked for almost a decade in the private equity and investment banking sectors with executive roles at Fortress Investment Group, Barclays Capital and Lehman Brothers.